2024-25 Student Handbook


Any device, instrument, or substance that is designed to, or reasonably could be expected to, inflict a wound, incapacitate, or cause serious bodily injury or death, including, without limitation, firearms (loaded and unloaded, real firearms and devices that would reasonably appear to a law enforcement officer to be real firearms), ammunition, electronic control devices (including but not limited to tasers and stun guns), devices designed to discharge an object (including but not limited to bb guns, air guns, pellet guns, potato guns, and slingshots, but not water guns), explosives, dangerous chemicals (including but not limited to mace, tear gas, and oleoresin capsicum), martial arts weapons, bows and arrows, artificial knuckles, nightsticks, blackjacks, dirks, daggers, swords, and knives with fixed blades longer than four (4) inches. The term “weapon” does not include pocket knives that fold (but not excluding switchblades); chemical repellents available over-the-counter for self-defense; instruments used solely for personal hygiene, preparation of food, maintenance, University-related instruction, or University employment-related duties.