2024-25 Student Handbook

General Policies

Administrative Policies and Non-Discrimination

UT Southern is committed to the principles of equal opportunity as defined under Federal and State law and does not discriminate unlawfully on the basis of race, color, creed, disability, national/ethnic origin, age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status in its admission Policy, programs, or activities, educational policies, scholarship and loan programs, athletic and other University-administered programs, or employment practices and programs.

The following person has been designated to handle staff inquiries regarding the Non-Discrimination Policy:
Director of Human Resources
433 West Madison Street
Pulaski, Tennessee 38478
931-424-7379, ext. 3079

The University reserves the right to change the rules regulating admission to the institution and any other regulations affecting the student body or the granting of degrees.

The University also reserves the right to withdraw courses, to change its calendar, and to alter charges and fees as conditions may require. Such changes shall go into force whenever the proper authorities may determine and shall apply not only to prospective students but also to those who may, at such time, be matriculated in the University.

The University further reserves the right to refuse to release any student their transcript, grade report, or degree for failure to return University property or to pay any accounts due the University.

It is the policy of the University that no otherwise qualified handicapped individual be discriminated against on the basis of his or her physical or mental handicap, as covered under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, in admission to the University. All programs of the University are open to all regularly admitted students without regard to handicap. In the event that a student is enrolled in a course not accessible, the course will be moved to such location as will be accessible to handicapped students. Students with 504 plans should contact Academic Affairs, Colonial Hall. Any student, employee, or job applicant who has a complaint or grievance in regard to this matter should contact Dean of Students during regular office hours to make an appointment to have their grievance heard.

Financial Aid & Scholarships

UT Southern offers financial assistance to students based on need and academic achievement. To determine student need, the University utilizes the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which takes into consideration certain factors relating to family financial status. Three basic types of financial aid are made available by the University:
1. Scholarships/grants
2. Loans
3. Part-time employment.

Some funds for grants and loans are provided through programs sponsored by the federal and state governments. To receive federal and/or state financial assistance, students must be admitted as a regular student seeking a degree and maintaining satisfactory academic progress. Students are strongly encouraged to review the Satisfactory Academic Progress policy and other rules and regulations regarding financial aid.

Application for financial assistance, should be made as early as possible after January 1 of the upcoming academic year in which the student plans to attend academic year by completing an Application for Admission and a FAFSA. The FAFSA is completed online (recommended) at studentaid.gov/. A paper FAFSA may be requested by calling 1-800-4-FED-AID (1-800-433-3243) if you are hearing impaired, contact TYY line at 1-800-730-8913. The school code for UT Southern is 003504. To receive priority consideration for the coming year, the FAFSA should be processed by February 15.

The Federal Pell Grant and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) program is reserved for undergraduate students seeking their first bachelor’s degree. Students who have completed undergraduate degree requirements must not accept Pell Grant and/or FSEOG funds. Failure to begin attendance in one or more classes may cause a reduction in financial aid which could result in the student owing money back to the university. Students who have completed the requirements for a bachelor’s degree are no longer eligible to receive federal or state grants.

Tobacco Free Campus

To protect the health and safety of UT Southern students, employees, and visitors; to promote a healthy and safe work, educational, and living environment; and to comply with the Tennessee Non-Smoker Protection Act and other applicable state laws, UT Southern is a Smoke-Free Campus effective January 1, 2016.

For the purposes of this policy, tobacco is defined to include any lighted or unlighted cigarette (clove, bidis, kreteks), e-cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, pipes and hookah products; and any other smoking product; along with any smokeless, spit or spit-less, dissolvable, or inhaled tobacco products, including but not limited to dip, chew, snuff or snus, in any form (orbs, sticks, strips, pellet, etc.).

It is the responsibility of University faculty, staff, student, visitor or contractor to voluntarily comply with the no smoking policy. Violation of this policy may be regarded as a willful safety violation. If someone is non-compliant, the supervisor (or other authority) has a responsibility to speak with person(s) and encourage compliance. Each member of the University community will be responsible for respectfully informing or reminding others of the smoke-free environment if coming upon someone smoking. Effective approaches for talking with individuals who smoke must be employed with respect. Please consult with Student Affairs or Human Resources should you need further assistance in addressing compliance.

Inclement Weather

UT Southern will remain open except in the most severe weather conditions. The Chancellor, Provost, and/or Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs may officially close or suspend selected activities of the University due to extreme weather conditions. When a decision to close is made, Students will receive a text message and an email alerting them of the cancellation of classes. Additionally, the campus and appropriate radio and TV stations will be notified, and closing information will be posted on the UT Southern home page at utsouthern.edu and through the UT Southern App.

Because weather conditions sometimes vary widely within the surrounding area, students are advised to use their own discretion in attempting to attend classes during inclement weather. Students are advised to contact their instructors about such absences, but normally will not be penalized if they are unable to get to campus during adverse weather conditions. Since online courses generally are not affected by inclement weather, assignment due dates and times will remain fixed throughout the semester and will not be rescheduled due to weather. Students should contact the instructor by phone or email if weather becomes a concern. Students will be responsible for any academic work that they miss due to absences caused by severe weather conditions. It is the individual student’s responsibility to take the initiative to make up any missed class work, and it is the instructor’s responsibility to provide a reasonable opportunity for students to complete assignments or examinations missed due to such absences.

Sign Posting Procedures

The Dean of Students or the Provost must approve any signs, posters, or announcements before posting. Approval for posting does not represent University endorsement of the information posted or the actual function(s) advertised.

Posted materials must clearly promote the activity publicized and the sponsoring University organization or sponsor/partner as its primary message, rather than the commercial advancement of the non-affiliated entity or product. If the name, logo, trademark, slogan, or similar identifier of a non-University affiliate appears on the posting, it must not appear as the dominant message. The Student Handbook governs signage for general elections of government officials under the section “Political Activities on Campus” found in the Student Reminders section.

Individuals not affiliated with the University (for example: vendors, organizations, businesses, entities, etc.) are permitted to advertise on campus by contacting the Dean of Students or the Director of Career Services.

Bulletin Boards are provided in various areas, some of which are for class or departmental use only. No tape of any kind can be used on painted walls. No signs may be posted on doors.

Violations of these procedures by students or student organizations are a violation of the Student Handbook and will be subject to the University student conduct process.

Use of University Property & Use of University Property for Free Expression

Certain rules on the use of University property, such as a rule on the use of University property for free expression activities, have been promulgated by the University in accordance with the rulemaking provisions of the Tennessee Uniform Administrative Procedures Act. Copies of those rules can be found at publications.tnsosfiles.com/rules/