2024-25 Student Handbook

Student Reminders


Political Activities on Campus

 UT Southern recognizes and appreciates the growing interest of students in the political processes related to local, state, and federal governments. It is the intent of the University to provide, within the constraints of University regulations and local, state, and federal laws, a campus environment in which students may participate fully in appropriate political activity. Toward that end, the following guidelines shall apply to the activities of students on UT campuses:

1. Registered student organizations may invite candidates for public office to speak on or in University property or facilities. Scheduling of politically related activities shall be handled in accordance with applicable University regulations.
2. Registered student organizations may announce a campus visit of a political candidate through the use of posters and signs. However, campaign posters and signs promoting candidacy for public office may not be attached to or placed on or in University property and buildings.
3. Students may distribute campaign literature on campus so long as such distribution is in accord with University policy governing distribution of literature in general (solicitation guidelines).

Peaceable Assemblies

 The University of Tennessee Southern adheres to state law (Rules of The University of Tennessee – 172-1-8). All peaceable assemblies and/or informational meetings must be approved in advance by the Office of Student Affairs. All such assemblies and/or meeting must be conducted in an orderly and peaceful manner. The University must designate and/or approve the location and time frame for such assemblies or meetings. (Approval is secured through the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs).


 The Division of Student Affairs, in cooperation with University Marketing and Communications, establishes policies governing student publications. All publications must be submitted for approval before publication or campus distribution.


Any device, instrument, or substance that is designed to, or reasonably could be expected to, inflict a wound, incapacitate, or cause serious bodily injury or death, including, without limitation, firearms (loaded and unloaded, real firearms and devices that would reasonably appear to a law enforcement officer to be real firearms), ammunition, electronic control devices (including but not limited to tasers and stun guns), devices designed to discharge an object (including but not limited to bb guns, air guns, pellet guns, potato guns, and slingshots, but not water guns), explosives, dangerous chemicals (including but not limited to mace, tear gas, and oleoresin capsicum), martial arts weapons, bows and arrows, artificial knuckles, nightsticks, blackjacks, dirks, daggers, swords, and knives with fixed blades longer than four (4) inches. The term “weapon” does not include pocket knives that fold (but not excluding switchblades); chemical repellents available over-the-counter for self-defense; instruments used solely for personal hygiene, preparation of food, maintenance, University-related instruction, or University employment-related duties.


The possession of and/or being under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol are prohibited on University owned or controlled property including the residential life facilities or student auxiliary affiliations. If students are found possessing drugs and/or alcohol, whether on or off campus, these incidents will be documented and referred to the Office of Student Affairs for disciplinary action.

University policy prohibits any student and/or student organization from serving or permitting the consumption, possession or display of any alcoholic beverage or containers at any time, or by anyone on University premises. Student organization officers are responsible for initiating risk management procedures and refusing admission to their social gatherings of persons under the influence of alcoholic beverages. Student organizations sponsoring any social affairs are responsible for the general decorum of the event. Any student and/or organization can be sanctioned for violations of the UT Southern Standards of Conduct, whether on or off campus, if the Office of Student Affairs is notified or contacted.

If a student accepts responsibility or is found responsible for violating a
Standard of Conduct involving drugs or alcohol, and that student is under twenty-one (21) years of age, UT Southern shall inform the parent or legal guardian of that student of the violation, as required by state law. Typically, UT Southern fulfills the parental notification requirement by mailing written notification to the parent or legal guardian’s address listed with the Office of the University Registrar. Parental notification is not considered a disciplinary sanction.

Solicitation on Campus

Solicitation is defined as the seeking of funds or support by student(s), registered student organization(s), and University employees from sources on campus and other forms of support including the procurement of supplies and the selling and distribution of items, materials, or products and services.

Solicitation will not be authorized for personal benefit of individual students or individual members of student organizations.

Solicitation and (posted) advertising of regular business enterprise sales by students and student organizations are not allowed. Students and student organizations may use designated bulletin boards and the UT Southern App to advertise occasional sales or rentals, such as personal autos and auto accessories, electronic devices, pets, homes, books, etc., that are not a part of a business.

Door-to-door solicitation in residential halls, University apartments, and offices by individuals on or off campus is prohibited. Certain types of philanthropic solicitation in designated areas of University buildings might be permitted with approval of the Office of Student Life.

Student representatives of magazines, service or mail-order companies may not solicit door-to-door in residence halls. They may post notices on bulletin boards in the halls, giving their own names and phone numbers or room numbers by which the students may seek their products, as long as the companies represented are bona fide agencies. Clearance for the posting of these notices should be given by the Division of Student Affairs where a check may be made as to the reputation of the firm.

In accordance with the state law, the University does not allow any raffling or other forms of gambling in its name or in any of its facilities.

Registered organizations are encouraged to contact the Office of Student Life for the specifics of any additional guidelines regarding solicitation for private, political or public philanthropy.

Any individual(s) or organization(s) wanting to solicit on campus must first get approval from the Vice Chancellor of Enrollment Management &Student Affairs via a solicitation request.

Lost and Found

Lost items found on campus must be turned into UT Southern Safety & Security located in the Criminal Justice House. If you have lost an item on campus, please contact Campus Security at utssecurity@utsouthern.edu.The UT Southern mobile application also has a lost and found section that may be utilized.

Mail Services

The Mail Services Office (Mailroom) is located in the Starnes Student Union Building. The office is open to assist students Monday-Friday, 8 AM – 5 AM, subject to change as notified via university email.

The office provides several different services to both residential and commuter students, such as receiving mail & packages, sending mail & packages, and on-campus mailbox management.

Student mailboxes are located on the first floor of the Starnes Student Union Building and each enrolled student is eligible for a mailbox. Students wishing to acquire a mailbox may complete an application.

Directory Information

UT Southern may disclose, without consent, “directory” information such as a student’s name, address, telephone number, major field of study, date and place of birth, honors and awards, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, degrees and awards received, most previous school attended, photograph, email address, classification, and dates of attendance. However, parents and eligible students are able to request that the school not disclose directory information about them. For additional information, please refer to the Registrar’s Office: https://utsouthern.edu/academics/registrars-office/.

Emergency Procedures

In the event of a medical or other emergency, Giles County EMS should be called first at 911. After EMS is contacted, UT Southern Security should be called at: 931-363-7502. Security will then notify the Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management & Student Affairs about the emergency, including the name of the injured and all those involved. It is the responsibility of the Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management & Student Affairs to notify the families of severely injured students who have been taken to the hospital and to assist with making arrangements for further treatments, transportation home, etc.

In the event of an emergency such as a fire, active shooter, bomb threat, etc., contact 911 immediately. Once 911 has been contacted, UTS Safety & Security should be contacted and made aware of the situation. Security will then notify the Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management & Student Affairs so that appropriate actions are taken on behalf of the University.

Fire evacuation and severe weather shelter maps can be easily located and viewed in every building on campus. For assistance with these maps please contact UT Southern Security.

Overnight Guests and Visitors

While the University encourages students to invite family and friends to share in their collegiate experience, no one under 18 is permitted to visit as an overnight guest without prior approval from the Residential Life Coordinator. Also, the maximum time allowed for overnight guests is three days, within a one week period, unless otherwise approved by Residential Life. Overnight guests can only be of the same sex.

Pet Policy

For health and safety reasons, pets are not permitted on campus. Exceptions are made for service and emotional support animals approved through Disability Services.

Solicitation Off-Campus

Student(s) or student organization(s) interested in soliciting off campus, e.g. door-to-door sales, bake sales, car washes, etc., are required to obtain a Solicitation Permit and approval from Pulaski City Hall.

In addition, if a student organization wishes to set up near a business establishment for a bake sale, car wash, etc., the organization should first have approval from that business entity.