2024-25 Student Handbook

Solicitation on Campus

Solicitation is defined as the seeking of funds or support by student(s), registered student organization(s), and University employees from sources on campus and other forms of support including the procurement of supplies and the selling and distribution of items, materials, or products and services.

Solicitation will not be authorized for personal benefit of individual students or individual members of student organizations.

Solicitation and (posted) advertising of regular business enterprise sales by students and student organizations are not allowed. Students and student organizations may use designated bulletin boards and the UT Southern App to advertise occasional sales or rentals, such as personal autos and auto accessories, electronic devices, pets, homes, books, etc., that are not a part of a business.

Door-to-door solicitation in residential halls, University apartments, and offices by individuals on or off campus is prohibited. Certain types of philanthropic solicitation in designated areas of University buildings might be permitted with approval of the Office of Student Life.

Student representatives of magazines, service or mail-order companies may not solicit door-to-door in residence halls. They may post notices on bulletin boards in the halls, giving their own names and phone numbers or room numbers by which the students may seek their products, as long as the companies represented are bona fide agencies. Clearance for the posting of these notices should be given by the Division of Student Affairs where a check may be made as to the reputation of the firm.

In accordance with the state law, the University does not allow any raffling or other forms of gambling in its name or in any of its facilities.

Registered organizations are encouraged to contact the Office of Student Life for the specifics of any additional guidelines regarding solicitation for private, political or public philanthropy.

Any individual(s) or organization(s) wanting to solicit on campus must first get approval from the Vice Chancellor of Enrollment Management &Student Affairs via a solicitation request.