2024-25 Student Handbook


The possession of and/or being under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol are prohibited on University owned or controlled property including the residential life facilities or student auxiliary affiliations. If students are found possessing drugs and/or alcohol, whether on or off campus, these incidents will be documented and referred to the Office of Student Affairs for disciplinary action.

University policy prohibits any student and/or student organization from serving or permitting the consumption, possession or display of any alcoholic beverage or containers at any time, or by anyone on University premises. Student organization officers are responsible for initiating risk management procedures and refusing admission to their social gatherings of persons under the influence of alcoholic beverages. Student organizations sponsoring any social affairs are responsible for the general decorum of the event. Any student and/or organization can be sanctioned for violations of the UT Southern Standards of Conduct, whether on or off campus, if the Office of Student Affairs is notified or contacted.

If a student accepts responsibility or is found responsible for violating a
Standard of Conduct involving drugs or alcohol, and that student is under twenty-one (21) years of age, UT Southern shall inform the parent or legal guardian of that student of the violation, as required by state law. Typically, UT Southern fulfills the parental notification requirement by mailing written notification to the parent or legal guardian’s address listed with the Office of the University Registrar. Parental notification is not considered a disciplinary sanction.