2024-25 Student Handbook

Political Activities on Campus

 UT Southern recognizes and appreciates the growing interest of students in the political processes related to local, state, and federal governments. It is the intent of the University to provide, within the constraints of University regulations and local, state, and federal laws, a campus environment in which students may participate fully in appropriate political activity. Toward that end, the following guidelines shall apply to the activities of students on UT campuses:

1. Registered student organizations may invite candidates for public office to speak on or in University property or facilities. Scheduling of politically related activities shall be handled in accordance with applicable University regulations.
2. Registered student organizations may announce a campus visit of a political candidate through the use of posters and signs. However, campaign posters and signs promoting candidacy for public office may not be attached to or placed on or in University property and buildings.
3. Students may distribute campaign literature on campus so long as such distribution is in accord with University policy governing distribution of literature in general (solicitation guidelines).