2024-25 Student Handbook

APPENDIX B: Constitution of the Student Government Association of the University of Tennessee Southern

We, the students of University of Tennessee Southern, acting under the authority granted us by the Administration of University of Tennessee Southern, do hereby establish this Constitution in order to promote the ideals and responsibilities of student self-government, to help facilitate the coordination of student life on campus, to help promote strong ties between UT Southern, the City of Pulaski, and the larger communities in which we are situated. We seek to maintain close and cooperative relationships between faculty, administration, and students.

Article I - Name
This organization shall be known as the Student Government Association of University of Tennessee Southern (SGA). SGA shall be advised and supported by a faculty or staff Sponsor, who shall be present at all meetings.

Article II - Purpose
The purpose of the Student Government Association (SGA) shall be to support the rights and responsibilities of the student body of UT Southern and promote awareness of these rights and responsibilities in all areas of student life. The Student Government Association shall be devoted to helping enhance the quality of experiences for faculty, administration, and students. SGA shall act as communicator for the student body to the University.

Article III – Membership
The voting membership of the Student Government Association (SGA) shall be composed of:
A. Three (3) Executive Council members, elected at-large by the student body. These positions are:
1) SGA President
2) SGA Vice President
3) SGA Secretary
B. Two (2) representatives from each of the four classes, elected at-large by their respective class. These positions are:
1) Class President
2) Class Senator
Any student running for an Executive Council office must provide proof of previous SGA membership in any role, whether at University of Tennessee Southern or any other institution of higher education. No prior experience is required of Class Presidents and Senators.

Article IV - Qualifications and Guidelines
In order to gain and maintain membership in the Student Government Association, prospective and current members must meet and adhere to established behavioral and academic guidelines. These guidelines are as follows:
• All prospective and current members of SGA must be in good standing with the institutional standards of comportment. This means not having repetitive violations or an egregious violation of the Student Standards of Conduct, including the Honor Code.
• New and returning SGA members must have and maintain a cumulative or semester Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.5 or above to qualify for office. GPA calculation includes a student’s cumulative average OR semester average, whichever is highest.
• GPA will be evaluated at midterm to determine the academic standing of each SGA member.
• After completing each semester of duty, the Sponsor and SGA President will determine the student’s academic standing according to the following definitions:
o Good Standing: Semester or Cumulative GPA of 2.5 and above.
o Probation: Semester or Cumulative GPA of 2.4 – 2
o Dismissal: Semester or Cumulative GPA of 1.99 and below
Probation includes:
o A meeting with the SGA Sponsor about academic and leadership duties;
o A letter from the student, submitted within one week of the meeting with the SGA Sponsor, explaining the student’s plans to raise their GPA.
o Continued participation in all SGA functions and support from SGA
o A final GPA evaluation and discussion of progress at the end of the following semester (excluding the summer term, regardless of course enrollment). The student’s GPA must return to good standing according to the previous definitions to qualify out of probation. If the student’s GPA does not meet the Good Standing requirements at this final evaluation, the student will be subject to the dismissal procedures outlined below.
Dismissal includes:
o Immediate dismissal from all SGA duties and membership. The position will remain empty for the remainder of the semester. SGA can choose to appoint and vote on a new member to fill the position for the next semester. This vote will be at the discretion of the SGA Sponsor.
o The student will be allowed to run for reelection after one complete semester of dismissal status. The student must have a cumulative or semester GPA of at least 2.5 to be approved for reelection.
• Only members who have previously served on SGA are able to run for an Executive Council Position
• In the event of a vacancy, an appointment can, if deemed necessary, be made by the President and the Sponsor to fill that position. However, this appointment must be passed by two-thirds vote of the entire SGA Council.
Extenuating Circumstances:
Low GPA and/or lack of objective completion may be the result of extenuating circumstance(s) on/off campus. If the student feels this is the case, they should meet with the SGA Sponsor. The Sponsor and Executive Council will evaluate the situation, and an exception may be granted. Each situation shall be handled as needed and in the best interest of the student and SGA as a whole.

Article V - Duties and Responsibilities of SGA
The SGA Shall:
• Assume the responsibilities of their elected position (see Articles VI and VII)
• Host campus-wide elections
• In addition to class events, assist in at least two (2) campus-wide events hosted by SGA as a whole.
• Assist with Move in Days

Article VI - Duties and Responsibilities of the Executive Council of SGA
The Executive Council of the Student Government Association shall consist of three (3) members: the SGA President, SGA Vice President, and SGA Secretary. These members shall meet at the call of the SGA President. Vacancies that may occur in the Executive Council shall be filled by Sophomore, Junior, or Senior Class President and will be appointed by the SGA President and/or SGA Sponsor.

The SGA Executive Council shall:
• Organize and host a total of four (4) events per semester
• Attend at least two (2) meetings per month
• Supervise events organized by the SGA Class Representatives
• Have at least one Executive Council Representative attend summer orientation to inform incoming students about the purpose of SGA if
• Help lead events for student life or other programs as needed

The SGA President shall:
• Preside over all SGA meetings;
• Appoint all members to the committees of SGA and serve as Ex Officio of all said committees;
• Create new committees (ad hoc or continuing) as needed to meet the needs of the SGA and the UT Southern student body;
• Present all resolutions and recommendations passed by SGA and also those that require the approval of administration to the President of the University;
• Serve on committees as appointed;
• Call special meetings of SGA, and any committees thereof;
• Serve as liaison between the student body, faculty, and administration to facilitate communication and collaboration for the betterment of all campus constituents;
• Record a minimum of 6-7 hours per week and record hours as directed by the remaining SGA Executive Council
• Oversee the recorded hours of the SGA Executive Council

The SGA Vice President shall:
• Assume the duties of the President in their absence or inability to serve;
• Assume any other responsibilities designated by the SGA President
• Record a minimum of 5-6 hours per week and record hours as directed by the SGA President
• Oversee the hours recorded by the SGA President

The SGA Secretary shall:
• Keep the minutes and roll at all SGA meetings;
• Maintain the SGA meeting minutes and records;
• Handle all communication concerning SGA, as appointed by the SGA President;
• Assume any other responsibilities designated by the SGA President
• Record a minimum of 4-5 hours per week and record hours as directed by the SGA President
• Oversee the hours recorded by the SGA President

Article VII- Duties and Responsibilities of Class Presidents and Senators
One (1) President and one (1) Senator each from the Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior classes serve as the remaining members of SGA. These members shall meet at the call of the SGA President. Vacancies that may occur in any class office shall be filled by appointment of the SGA President and Sponsor and confirming vote of the larger SGA membership.

SGA Class Representatives shall:
• Organize and host a total of three (3) events per semester;
• Record a minimum of three (3) hours per week as directed by the SGA President;
• Attend two (2) SGA meetings per month;
• Attend and support efforts of SGA group events as needed and/or as directed by the SGA Executive Council.

Class Presidents shall:
• Bring the comments, concerns, and suggestions of their class to the attention of SGA;
• Serve as chairs of any committees at the request of the SGA Executive Council;
• Execute an assigned objective throughout the course of the year;
• Assume any other responsibilities designated by the SGA Executive Council.

Class Senators shall:
• Bring the comments, concerns, and suggestions of their class to the attention of SGA;
• Execute an assigned objective throughout the course of the year;
• Assume any other responsibilities designated by the SGA Executive Council.

Article VIII - Meetings of the Student Government Association
There shall be no less than two (2) regular scheduled meetings per month. Special or called meetings may be held at any time at the discretion of the SGA President. All SGA meetings shall be open to any student, faculty, staff, or member of administration.

Article XI - Powers of the Student Government Association
The specified powers of SGA shall include making legislation, resolutions, recommendations, and performing any other act to promote the rights and responsibilities of the student body. SGA shall also execute their powers to contribute to the social, educational, cultural, and physical welfare of the student body and college community.

Article X – Elections
The Student Government Association shall be responsible for announcing, hosting, and managing all campus-wide SGA elections. SGA elections will be held in April each year, excluding Freshman elections. Freshman elections will be held in the fall of the new school year.

Article XI - Impeachment
Failure to execute the duties described in this document constitute cause for impeachment. Complaints and subsequent proceedings may be levied against an individual by the Executive Council for infractions that can include, but are not limited to violations of the SGA Code of Conduct, attendance policies, GPA requirements, failure to complete the responsibilities of their position, or misuse of Student Government Association funds. A two-thirds vote of the SGA body is required for passage of charges. If found guilty, the member will no longer participant in any elected office or as an SGA member and the office is to be immediately declared vacant by the Executive Council.

Article XII - Amendments
Amendments to this Constitution shall be made by a two-thirds vote of the Student Government Association. The amendment must be introduced to SGA at least one week in advance of the vote, and notice shall be given to the student body, faculty, and administration before the referendum is held. By-laws may be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the total membership of SGA. Amendments and by-laws shall take effect immediately, unless otherwise stated, after a two-thirds majority vote.