2024-25 Student Handbook

Sign Posting Procedures

The Dean of Students or the Provost must approve any signs, posters, or announcements before posting. Approval for posting does not represent University endorsement of the information posted or the actual function(s) advertised.

Posted materials must clearly promote the activity publicized and the sponsoring University organization or sponsor/partner as its primary message, rather than the commercial advancement of the non-affiliated entity or product. If the name, logo, trademark, slogan, or similar identifier of a non-University affiliate appears on the posting, it must not appear as the dominant message. The Student Handbook governs signage for general elections of government officials under the section “Political Activities on Campus” found in the Student Reminders section.

Individuals not affiliated with the University (for example: vendors, organizations, businesses, entities, etc.) are permitted to advertise on campus by contacting the Dean of Students or the Director of Career Services.

Bulletin Boards are provided in various areas, some of which are for class or departmental use only. No tape of any kind can be used on painted walls. No signs may be posted on doors.

Violations of these procedures by students or student organizations are a violation of the Student Handbook and will be subject to the University student conduct process.