Bachelor’s Degree in Social Studies Education with Endorsement in History 6-12 Requirements
Expected Outcomes:
- Teacher candidates shall demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to succeed in careers within the field.
- Teacher candidates shall complete clinical practice and a seminar course in the last semester of their senior year.
- Teacher candidates of the licensure program will pass the appropriate Praxis II exam.
Degree Requirements (Semester Hours)
General Education Courses
Core Requirements to include:
Additional General Education Requirements (14)
EDU 101 | Education as Profession | 2 |
HIS 201 | History of the United States I | 3 |
HIS 202 | History of the United States II | 3 |
SOC 211 | Principles of Sociology | 3 |
Major Field of Study (30)
Required History Core Courses (12)
Required History Major Courses (12)
United States History (Choose one from the following) (3)
HIS 350 | Jeffersonian & Jacksonian America, 1800-1848 | 3 |
HIS 354 | American Civil War Era, 1848-1877 | 3 |
HIS 370 | The United States Since 1945 | 3 |
HIS 435 | Social and Cultural History of U.S. | 3 |
Foundational World History (Choose one from the following) (3)
HIS 320 | Ancient Greece and Rome | 3 |
HIS 321 | Early Medieval Europe, 395-1000 | 3 |
HIS 323 | High Middle Ages, 1000-1400 | 3 |
HIS 324 | Renaissance and Reformation | 3 |
Topical World History since 1500 (Choose two from the following) (6)
History Electives [Choose from those listed below or from any 300-400 courses as offered] (6)
HIS 333 | The French Revolution and Napoleon | 3 |
HIS 350 | Jeffersonian & Jacksonian America, 1800-1848 | 3 |
HIS 354 | American Civil War Era, 1848-1877 | 3 |
HIS 370 | The United States Since 1945 | 3 |
HIS 422 | The American South | 3 |
HIS 425 | The American West | 3 |
HIS 430 | American Environmental History | 3 |
HIS 440 | Religion in America | 3 |
HIS 444 | The Comic Book in American History | 3 |
HIS 455 | Tudor-Stuart England, 1485-1714 | 3 |
HIS 462 | Germany from Bismark to Hitler | 3 |
HIS 470 | History of Gender | 3 |
HIS 499 | Special Topics in History | 3 |
Professional Education (34)
EDU 308 | Psychology of Learning and Cognition | 3 |
EDU 315 | Exceptional Child | 3 |
EDU 331 | Educational Assessment | 3 |
EDU 342 | Classroom Management | 3 |
EDU 360 | Multicultural Education | 3 |
EDU 410 | Technology in Education | 3 |
EDU 415 | Teaching Reading in Grades 6-12 | 2 |
EDU 425 | Strategies for Teaching Grades 6-12 | 2 |
EDU 456 | Clinical Practice in Secondary Grades 6-12 | 11 |
EDU 457 | Clinical Practice Seminar, 6-12 | 1 |
Total Credit Hours: 127-130
*See catalog reference or program coordinator for degree requirements for either BA or BS degree in Social Studies Education.