Undergraduate Catalog

EDU 456 Clinical Practice in Secondary Grades 6-12

Each student will teach a full day under the supervision of an approved teacher in an accredited public or private secondary classroom for fifteen (15) weeks. Students shall have two placements of 7-8 weeks duration each, with one in grades 6-8 and the other in grades 9-12. When 6-8 placement is not available, two 9-12 placements will be made in different schools. Students are admitted to this course through a stringent screening process conducted by the Teacher Education Committee. No student is permitted to student teach unless that student has completed all degree requirements, made application, and been approved for clinical practice. Those applying for clinical practice must demonstrate accomplishment through professional dispositions, grades, quality points, and completion of field experiences. Upon successful completion of clinical practice and the edTPA portfolio, a letter grade and a recommendation for teacher licensure will be given. Fee applies.




Completion of all course work in the major, admittance into the Elementary Education Program, successful complettion of Praxis II exams, and approval for clinical practice by the Teacher Committee. \

