Undergraduate Catalog

Terms Courses are Offered

The term when each course is normally offered is included with each course description. A course listed as Fall (or Spring) is offered each year. Courses offered every term are listed as Fall and Spring. Some courses are offered only every other year, or less frequently. These are listed as being offered on alternate years (such as odd-numbered years or even-numbered years), or the particular rotation followed. In some instances the year in which the course is offered may be indicated. Even-numbered years refers to the semester and year, for instance a course that is listed as Fall, even-numbered years will be offered Fall 2020, Fall 2022, Fall 2024, etc. Likewise, a courses listed as Spring, odd-numbered years will be offered Spring 2021, Spring 2023,Spring 2025 etc. In other instances, courses are offered only when a sufficient number of students indicate an interest in the course to offer it. These courses are listed as offered on demand. Students should pay close attention to the rotation of certain classes that may be required within their program of study, so they can be included in their schedule of classes at the appropriate time. Failure to do so will not remove the requirement of the course for the degree.