Undergraduate Catalog

Other Program Information

A student who fails any or all parts of the CORE (reading, writing, and math) twice has the right to appeal in writing to the Teacher Education Committee through the chair of the education division. The program coordinator, under the guidance of the committee, shall arrange a rigorous, well-monitored program of remediation in the problem areas. Upon completion of the required remediation, the student’s situation will be reviewed by the program coordinator and an appropriate recommendation made to the committee. Appealing does not automatically exempt a student from further CORE (reading, writing, and math) tests.

A portfolio/showcase is created in LiveText VIA, generally in EDU 101 and should be continually updated. The final Capstone portfolio/showcase is created during clinical practice and is evaluated as an exit assessment. Portfolio guidelines are available in Moodle.

Candidates who are experiencing difficulty meeting program requirements may receive a Notice of Concern which requires corrective action be taken.

Candidates preparing for clinical practice in the fall semester should take the Praxis II on the January, March, April, and/or June test dates; scores should return in time to schedule clinical practice in the fall. Early testing allows time to replace failed scores. Spring semester clinical practitioners should also take the Praxis II on the January, March, April, and/or June test dates of the previous year. Praxis II tests taken on the September date allow no time for retakes. Scores from the November test date do not return to MMC in time for a student to be placed in clinical practice that spring. Scores from the July test date do not return to MMC in time for a student to be placed in clinical practice that fall.

Candidates still lacking course work may appeal to the Teacher Education Committee for permission to take one course in the night program, by directed study, or by correspondence during the clinical practice semester.

Candidates have two clinical practice placements: one of eight weeks; the other of seven weeks. The Teacher Education Committee approves all candidates for admission to clinical practice.

Passing the edTPA Portfolio during clinical practice is required for recommendation of teacher licensure. While candidates are permitted to hold a part-time job or participate in choir or drama during clinical practice as long as these do not interfere with student teacher responsibilities, no candidate is permitted to participate in collegiate sports during clinical practice.

Completing all requirements of the education program does not automatically mean a recommendation for licensure. Final approval for licensure is only authorized by the Teacher Education Committee after an exit interview with the candidates at the conclusion of clinical practice.