Undergraduate Catalog

Driver Education Endorsement

The state-approved Driver’s Education Endorsement is available at Martin Methodist College for all education majors. Candidates seeking the Driver’s Education endorsement should meet with the Human Performance and Physical Education program coordinator. Candidates shall have satisfactorily completed an initial license program (grades 6-12 or grades K-12) approved by the state of Tennessee. Additionally, the following four courses (10 credit hours) shall be completed with a grade of “C” or better in each:



HPPE 485Driver Education


HPPE 486Advanced Driver Education & Safety


Title II Praxis Pass Rates and Scaled Scores for the Education Program

The following scores are a three year average for the Division of Education’s traditional and practitioner programs:

Principals of Learning and Teaching
Test Scaled Score Pass Score Pass Rate
5622 173+ 160 90%
5624 169* 157 100%
Elementary Education
Test Scaled Score Pass Score Pass Rate
5002 170* 157 100%
5003 153* 157 50%
5004 158* 155 50%
5005 145* 159 0%
5017 169 153 90%
5018 170 163 88%
5203 175* 162 100%
Secondary Education
Test Scaled Score Pass Score Pass Rate
5038 183* 167 100%
5101 185* 154 100%
5161 143* 160 0%
5235 154* 148 100%
5941 140* 157 100%
Physical Education
Test Scaled Score Pass Score Pass Rate
5095 171* 164 100%
Test Scaled Score Pass Score Pass Rate
5161 148* 160 0%

Denotes n of less than 10

+Denotes change of minimum passing score during the reporting years