2024-25 Student Handbook

Title IX

UT Southern is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and non-discriminatory learning, living, and working environment free from Sexual Harassment (including Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking), Sexual Exploitation, and Retaliation (collectively, “Prohibited Conduct”). Prohibited Conduct will not be tolerated and will be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from the University and termination of employment.

UT Southern’s Title IX Policy, including definitions of specific conduct and investigation processes and procedures, as well as the most up-to-date information on resources and contacts, is available at utsouthern.edu/about/title-ix/.

Title IX Coordinator
The University’s Title IX Coordinator is
Sarah Catherine Richardson
Guthrie Student Life Center
420 W. Madison Street
Pulaski, TN 38478

Anti-Harassment Policy
UT Southern is committed to an environment that recognizes the worth and dignity of every person while striving to foster tolerance, sensitivity, and mutual respect. The university therefore prohibits employees from engaging in acts of harassment on the basis of sex, which includes harassment based on gender, pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity, as required by state or federal law. The university further prohibits discriminatory harassment based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, veteran status, and any other category protected by federal or state law. Employees are prohibited from engaging in sexual and other discriminatory harassment, regardless of whether such conduct is directed at another employee, a student, a vendor, or a visitor to campus.

Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act
The federal government requires that any person classified and registered as a state sex offender must notify the state of any institution of higher education in which the offender is a student or an employee. UT Southern will disclose, within ten days, information concerning sex offenders that it receives under state sex offender registration and community notification programs. The disclosure will be by e-mail to students and employees.

Reporting a Complaint
The University requires immediate reporting of all perceived incidents of Prohibited Conduct, even if involving someone other than the reporter of the conduct. Although a complaint may be made verbally, it is preferable for the complaint to be reduced to written form, signed by the person making the complaint. Prohibited Conduct should be reported to the Title IX Coordinator, Sarah Catherine Richardson, at scrich@utsouthern.edu, 931-424-4073, or in person at the Guthrie Student Life Center.

Anti-Retaliation Policy
The University prohibits retaliation against any individual for making a complaint of any form of harassment or for participating as a witness or otherwise participating in a harassment investigation. Employees and faculty can raise concerns, make reports and participate in investigations without fear of reprisal or retaliation.

Sanctions that may result from any act that could be reasonably considered retaliation for making a complaint or participating in the investigation process may include separation from the University.