2024-25 Student Handbook

Division of Student Services

The University’s non-academic student support programs, services, and activities operate under the supervision of the Division of Student Affairs, the goal of which is to provide students with the opportunity to grow socially and culturally. Headed by the Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management & Student Affairs, the Division of Student Affairs oversees and coordinates the operations of the following offices:

The CARE (Coordination, Assessment, Response, and Education) Team exists to assist with any situation that could potentially disrupt a student's academic or social wellbeing. The CARE Team is led by the Dean of Students and includes representatives from Student Engagement, Student Success, Residential Life, Athletics, Safety & Security, and Counseling Services. When a student experiences a crisis, the student will be assisted by the Behavioral Intervention Team, a sub-committee of the CARE Team. Concerns for a student’s mental, physical, or emotional health can be submitted to the CARE Team online at utsouthern.edu/care-team. A member of the CARE Team is on call to respond to emergencies. CARE on Call can be reached at 931-309-1670.

Counseling & Health Services
Campus health services are provided by the University Clinic. The Clinic provides primary care and preventive care in addition to care for acute and chronic health issues. Counseling services are also available to all students. A professional counselor provides free counseling and supportive services.

For all emergencies, the local emergency room will be used. Emergency room expenses are borne by the student, and the university encourages all students who do not have a health insurance plan to consider enrolling in one.

Disability Services
The University provides reasonable accommodations (academic adjustments and auxiliary aids) to ensure equal access to educational content and university programs for students with disabilities. Any student eligible for and requesting accommodations due to a disability must document the disability and the request for reasonable accommodations with the appropriate personnel:
1. For Reasonable Academic Accommodations, contact the Office of Academic Affairs, who maintains the files and shares the appropriate or recommended accommodations to the faculty teaching the student, with the student’s permission.
2. For Reasonable Non-Academic Accommodations, contact the Office of Student Affairs, who maintains the files and shares the appropriate or recommended accommodations to the appropriate University personnel (i.e. Residential Life staff), with the student’s permission.
All reasonable accommodations are individualized and based on the nature of the documented disability and the requirements of specific courses and/or activities. Accommodations are designed to meet the needs of students without fundamentally altering the nature of the University’s instructional programs and/or facilities.
1. Below are examples of commonly requested academic accommodations:
• Extended time on exams
• Testing in a distraction-limited environment
• Use of computer for in-class written work
• Preferential classroom seating
• Permission to record lectures to supplement note-taking
• Services for students with temporary conditions, such as concussion, broken leg/arm, or surgery recovery
2. Below are examples of commonly requested non-academic accommodations:
• Emotional support animals
• Housing access accommodations
• Services for students with temporary conditions, such as concussion, broken leg/arm, or surgery recovery
The Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management & Student Affairs and the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs consult with each other regularly to make sure the student is being served appropriately. Information regarding accommodations is also placed on every syllabus published by the University.

Veteran Services
UT Southern is fully approved by the State Approving Agency to provide training under the Vocational Rehabilitation and War Orphans’ Assistance programs, the Veterans Readjustment Benefits Act of 1966 and the Veterans Educational Assistance Program. UT Southern is approved by the Tennessee State Approving Agency for the training of veterans and their eligible dependents.

Veterans seeking admission to the University should notify the Director of Financial Aid concerning eligibility under the various chapters of the G.I. Bill. All applicants for benefits are subject to Veterans’ Admiration approval. Please request a Certificate of Eligibility from benefits.va.gov/benefits/ and submit to the Financial Aid Office. Veteran benefit recipients will not be penalized for any delayed VA benefit payment. A VA benefit recipient, whether a veteran or a dependent of a veteran, must complete a “Request to Certify VA Benefits” form at the beginning of each semester. Veteran’s Benefits are also available to all qualifying students at UT Southern. Students may wish to connect with UT Southern’s Military and Veterans Affairs Coordinator at wpruett3@utsouthern.edu.

Financial Aid assistance for veterans is available in the Office of Financial. All students planning to enter under provisions of a veterans’ educational program are urged to apply to the appropriate agency for necessary authorization well in advance of their registration date.

Student Food Bank

The Student Food Bank seeks to alleviate the barriers and challenges associated with food insecurity and hunger so that students can remain in school and ultimately earn their degrees. The Student Food Bank promotes the academic success of students dealing with food insecurity by providing a reliable source of food on-campus that is free of charge to current UT Southern students. The Student Food Bank is located on the second floor of the Guthrie Student Life Center.

Student Engagement
The Office of Student Engagement helps students enhance their University experience by offering events, programs, and projects that are personally engaging for every student. Staff is available in the Guthrie Student Life Center to help students connect via events, activities, civic engagement, community service, wellness initiatives, clubs and organizations, intramural sports, and more.

Intramural Sports
The University offers opportunities for all students to participate in intramural sports throughout the year, including water polo, racquetball, volleyball, flag football, basketball, ultimate frisbee, power puff flag football, dodgeball, soccer, and softball. Varsity athletes are not allowed to play in the same intramural sport in which they are receiving a scholarship for during the school year.

Clubs & Organizations
Student organizations are voluntary associations of UT Southern students, which are legally separate entities from the University. Student organizations are student initiated and student run. Student organizations that are registered with the University through the Office of Student Affairs have access to certain University-controlled benefits and resources, such as facilities use and funding eligibility. More information on Student Organizations is available online at utsouthern.edu/registered-student-organizations.

Steps to Register a Student Organization
Step 1: Recruit student members.
Step 2: Find an Advisor.
Step 3: Create a Constitution and Bylaws, using available samples to guide the completion of this paperwork.
Step 4: Submit New Student Organization Application.
Step 5: Receive approval or denial with instructions on next steps.

An organization is on provisional status until it is approved by Student Affairs for conditional chartered status. During provisional status, organizations cannot use the college name, cannot fundraise, and cannot sponsor or promote programs. The primary privilege of an organization on provisional status is the ability to meet as an organization for the purpose of creating or revising the charter application and its subsequent forms.

No student organizations, which have any restrictive clauses with regard to race, color, creed, or national origin will be granted recognition. No student or organization of the University shall engage in hazing or committing an act that injures, frightens, degrades, or disgraces a person attending the university. Students and/or organizations involved in hazing shall be subject to disciplinary action per the Student Code.

All RSOs are expected to maintain a minimum of five (5) currently enrolled UT Southern students as active members. Membership in registered student organizations shall be limited to currently enrolled students of the University. Accurate membership records must be maintained with Division of Student Affairs and updated annually. All RSOs are required to have a full-time UT Southern faculty or staff member an advisor. All RSOs must also meet the requirements below:
• Attendance at Annual Presidents Meeting
• Meet Programming Requirements
• Complete the Annual Re-Registration Process
• Complete the Charter Review every four years

All Registered Student Organizations are responsible for knowledge of and adherence to the policies and processes described in the Student Organization Procedures & Guidelines. This document is available online at utsouthern.edu/registered-student-organizations.

Student Union
The Starnes Student Union contains the dining hall, the student resource center, the cafe, a study room with computers, and student gathering spaces. The Mail Services office is located in the Starnes Student Union. In order to receive a student mail box, students must complete an application; mail boxes are not automatically assigned. Students will receive e-mails (usually via their student university e-mail address) whenever they have a package.

Residential Life
The Office of Residential Life seeks to provide residents with the opportunity to take their college experience beyond the walls of the classroom while helping residents continue to grow and develop by living in community with others. All full-time students under the age of 21 and enrolled in at least 12 hours of coursework each semester are required to live on campus or at home with a parent, legal guardian, sibling (over the age of 25), or grandparent within a 40 mile radius of campus. All students must complete an application through the Office of Residential Life, either for on-campus housing or for off-campus residency. All residential students board at the Dining Hall, located in the Student Union Building. Meals are provided at regular, stated hours seven days per week (see Dining Service).

Dining Services
The Dining Hall and FireHawk Café are operated by a contracted food service company, and are located in the Student Union Building. If you have any questions, concerns, or requests, please contact the General Manager, whose office is located in the Dining Hall.

Student Government
The student body is represented in the governing of life at the University through elected representatives who compose the Student Government Association (SGA). See Appendix B: Student Government Association Constitution for details on the operations of SGA at UT Southern.