2024-25 Student Handbook

Student Responsibilities

When persons enroll in UT Southern, they retain the rights and duties of a citizen. Additionally, they must assume the duties and observe the regulations imposed by the University community.

Failure or refusal to comply with the rules and policies established by the University may subject the offender to disciplinary action up to and including permanent dismissal from the University.

The University requires (2) two requisites in order for students to retain compliance for continued enrollment. These requirements are both good academic and disciplinary standings.

The policies and procedures described below have been established to insure the rights and privileges of all members of the University community, to communicate the expectations of the community to its members, and to provide a basis for orderly conduct of the University.

It is therefore acknowledged that all students are subject to be held accountable for their knowledge of, participation in, or being in the presence of alleged misconduct whether on or off campus while actively enrolled at the University.