2024-25 Student Handbook

Freedom from Unwarranted Search

Entry by University authorities into occupied rooms in residence halls or University apartments will be divided into two categories: inspection and search. “Inspection” is defined as entry into a room to ascertain health and safety conditions, to make repairs, or to perform cleaning and janitorial operations. “Search” is defined as entry into a room by campus authorities for the purpose of investigating suspected violation of campus regulations and/or local, state, or federal laws. On-campus authorities will not enter a room for purposes of search without the permission of the resident unless they have a campus authorization to search, authorized by the Associate Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management & Student Affairs or his/her designee which specifies the reasons for the search and the objects or information sought or unless they enter in compliance with state law. If possible, the student should be present during the search. Should the search reveal objects in which possession violates a law or a University regulation, the University may take appropriate disciplinary action even though the objects were not listed on the search authorization.