2024-25 Undergraduate Catalog

High Impact Practice Courses

The term “High Impact Practices” (HIPs) refers to specifically designated pedagogies and University initiatives that have been shown by research to make a deep impact on student learning. UT Southern identifies seven HIPs that fall under the three overriding categories of Integrative Learning, Experiential Learning, and Diversity/Global Learning. 

Integrative Learning courses offer students a chance to explore integrative pathways that connect the core knowledge and skills of their major to real-world professional and civic contexts. These courses incorporate “signature work”—work that allows students to pursue their own projects (or questions) that integrate and apply their learning to complex problems that are important to both the student and society. Students work closely with their professors and peers to develop, reflect on, and articulate integrative learning goals. HIPs in this category include: Cornerstone courses, Capstone courses, Writing Intensive courses, and ePortfolios.

Experiential Learning courses allow students to learn by doing. By engaging students in hands-on experiences and reflection, such courses encourage students to connect theories and knowledge learned in the classroom to real-world situations. HIPs in this category include: Service Learning courses and Research Intensive courses.

Diversity/Global Learning courses help students explore cultures, life experiences, and worldviews different from their own. Such courses—which may address U.S. diversity, world cultures, or both—often explore “difficult differences” such as racial, ethnic, and gender inequality, or continuing struggles around the globe for human rights, freedom, and power. HIPs in this category include: Global/Diversity Learning courses and Study Abroad.

The following courses have been approved for High Impact Practice designation:


ENG 220 - Introduction to English Studies

HIS 300 - Historiography & Historical Method

PSY 213 - Foundations of Psychological Sciences


HIS 495 - History Capstone

PHE 405- Major Field Experience

Service Learning

PHE 340 - Principles of Nutrition

Writing Intensive

ENG 220 - Introduction to English Studies

REL 102 - History & Literature of the New Testament