2024-25 Undergraduate Catalog



Admission to the University 2024-2025

The University of Tennessee Southern seeks to recruit and enroll qualified first year and transfer students who exhibit a high degree of academic ability and demonstrate a serious commitment to the pursuit of a quality education founded upon a rich tradition of the liberal arts. Students are admitted to the University of Tennessee Southern without discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, disability, national/ethnic origin, age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. The Office of Admissions is responsible for administering admission policies.

All prospective students interested in enrolling at UT Southern are encouraged to schedule a visit the campus at a scheduled Preview Day or to arrange a private visit with an admissions counselor. Campus tours are given Monday through Friday by appointment.

To schedule a visit or to make an appointment, call 931-363-9800, or email the Office of Admissions at admissions@utsouthern.edu. We encourage you to visit the University web site at www.utsouthern.edu under "Admissions."

Requirements for Admission

Students may be considered for admission to the University of Tennessee Southern at the beginning of any academic term; however, prospective students are encouraged to apply as early as possible after completion of the junior year of high school. Residence hall deposits should be made as early as possible to secure a room for residential students. The University will also consider students who have successfully completed high school equivalency exams such as the GED.

Official transcripts must be received by the university from all sources to gain full acceptance status. Transfer students must submit transcripts of all college course work and may be asked to submit high school transcripts and ACT scores.

The American College Test (ACT) or Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) must be submitted officially; test battery scores should be sent to the University (ACT College Code 3986; SAT College Code 1449).

High school graduates from accredited high school may be admitted by meeting one of the following criteria:

  • ACT composite score of 17 (or SAT equivalent) or above and a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, or
  • ACT composite score of 18 (or SAT equivalent) or above and a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale. 

Additionally, the University of Tennessee Southern, guarantees first-year admission to all Tennessee high school students who meet both of the following eligibility criteria:

  • Achieve a 3.2 or cumulative higher GPA or finish in the top 10% of their high school’s graduating class; and
  • Have an ACT composite score of 23 or higher (or an equivalent SAT score).

The optional essays are not required for admission; the individual scores on English, math, reading, and science are used for placement.

SAT scores are expressed as ACT or ACT equivalents, based on corresponding tables (2008, 2016) developed by the College Board. The optional essay on the SAT is not required by UT Southern. Qualitative and/or quantitative scores are used for placement. 

Applicants must have successfully completed their required high school units for graduation as set by the state of Tennessee or from the applicant's home state for a regular high school diploma, with the date reported on the final high school transcript. Applicants who did not complete high school should contact Admissions for specific admission criteria regarding ACT, GED, or HiSET requirements. 

Students who do not meet the admission requirements for acceptance are encouraged to resubmit additional scores as available; a new decision may be rendered with the submission of additional academic documentation.

Applicants who do not meet the admissions requirements should contact an admission counselor to determine if they may be admitted to the University by appealing to the Admission Committee if special circumstances exist. 

All students who are not admitted initially are encouraged to reapply as transfer students. UT Southern has long-standing partnerships with Columbia State Community College, Motlow State Community College, and many other institutions in the state of Tennessee and others in the nation. 

Traditional Students

Unofficial transcripts are accepted for provisional acceptance. Official transcripts are required to gain full acceptance to the University:

  • Official copy of ACT or SAT scores
  • High school transcripts

A student who has earned college credits while still in high school (dual enrollment) and has not attended college after high school graduation is considered as a new freshman regardless of the number of hours earned through dual enrollment. 

Transfer Students

Students who have completed a minimum of 12 college semester hours at another college or university must apply for transfer admission to the University of Tennessee Southern.

A transfer student must:

  • have a cumulative GPA of at least a 2.0 GPA and be in good standing with the last college or university attended.
  • submit an official transcript of all previous college work from each institution attended. A high school transcript and ACT may also be required. If the college transcripts submitted show the graduation date and name of the high school, the high school transcripts may not be required. 

Students who complete all the courses listed for a particular Tennessee Board of Regents Tennessee Transfer Pathway and who hold an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree from a Tennessee community college or from a senior institution within the state that meets the Transfer Pathway requirements will be admitted with junior standing and will have satisfied the General Education core requirements for the baccalaureate degree, except for courses specifically required for the student’s major.

Students who have not followed an approved Transfer Pathway and who hold an A.A. or A.S. degree, or students holding an applied degree (e.g., A.A.S.) must have their transcripts evaluated on an individual basis by the Registrar's Office; recognized courses will be credited toward graduation.

Students with A.A. or A.S. degrees from OTHER STATES that are designed to transfer to a senior institution must have their transcripts evaluated. Certain academic programs may have special core requirements that the transfer student may be required to complete.

The University of Tennessee Southern does NOT transfer grades of “D” or lower except when a student has graduated with an associate (A.A. or A.S) or bachelor’s degree. Students may be asked to provide syllabi, course descriptions, and work samples as required.

A transcript from each former institution must be presented for evaluation, even if no credit was earned. All courses from a regionally accredited college are accepted for transfer; however, depending on a student's major, they may not all count toward a degree.

Once all transcripts have been received and the grades posted to the UT Southern transcript, the transfer student will be able to review the credit received from the registrar's transfer evaluation.

The UT Southern course number for equivalent courses or the designation LL for lower-level credit and UL for upper-level credit if no equivalent course exists will be posted to the student's transfer evaluation. LL and UL credits may be applied toward degree requirements that do not designate specific course number requirements. The student's academic advisor with the Director of Academic Advising will use the degree audit to identify how each of the transferred courses may be used to satisfy specific degree requirements.

Students wishing to appeal the evaluation of any transferred courses should contact the Registrar to request a review and re-evaluation of those courses. Students may be asked to provide a copy of the course description, a syllabus from the original institution, and even work samples. The Registrar and Director of Academic Advising consult the program coordinator, the school chair, and/or the Provost.

To earn a University of Tennessee degree, a student must earn 55 hours toward the baccalaureate degree at a four-year institution, 30 hours must be earned at the University of Tennessee Southern; at least 12 semester hours of upper-division coursework in their major must be earned at UT Southern. 

International Students

The University of Tennessee Southern welcomes international students worldwide. International students who show evidence of the ability to communicate in English and to benefit from the University of Tennessee Southern's educational program are encouraged to apply and will be considered for admission.

An international student must submit the following to be considered for admission:

  1. A completed, online application for admission
  2. Statement of Financial responsibility (required for 120 to be sent)
  3. International high school and/or university transcript evaluation (WES, InCred, etc.)
  4. ACT/SAT is encouraged for international students whose first language is English.
  5. TOEFL or pre-approved proof of competency in English (e.g., Duolingo)

The TOEFL, required for all international applicants, should suffice and will be used for placement, unless in the circumstance in which the University may need to ask for more data. TOEFL scores of 70 with sub-scores of 17 or 18 are minimum for placement in undergraduate college-level courses. 

All international students may be asked to undergo placement testing prior to registration, and based upon performance, may be required to take classes in English as a Second Language (ESL) and/or to participate in UT Southern’s Intensive English Program (IEP).

The Director of Academic Advising will assist all international students. Inquiries concerning U.S. college studies may be directed to the United States Embassies and Consulates. All international college and high school transcripts must be evaluated by WES or another accredited agency. Consult the Registrar or Director of Academic Advising for additional information. 

Only one I-20 will be issued for each admission. I-20 start dates can be deferred if there is a delay in arrival. International students are required to report to the Admissions Office in person within 30 days after arrival in the U.S.

Re-Admitted Students


  • Complete Application for Admission form. (Forms may be completed online by visiting www.utsouthern.edu and clicking the Apply button.) 

Former students who are not currently enrolled and who have not been enrolled at the University of Tennessee Southern for at least a semester or a term must complete a re-admission application. Students applying for re-admission must be cleared from any judicial, academic, and financial “holds” before being accepted as a re-admitted student. Re-admission is NOT guaranteed.

Transient Admission

A person currently enrolled in good standing at another college or university may enroll for credit by:

  • applying for admission and
  • presenting to the Registrar a statement from the first institution giving permission to take course work at the University of Tennessee Southern. This person will be classified as a transient student. 

Should the transient student decided to remain longer than one semester, s/he will be required to update the status. Should the student wish to transfer, that student would be required to meet all university admission requirements, including having ALL official transcripts mailed to the Admission's Office. 

Non-Degree Seeking Classification

Individuals who do not wish to pursue a degree may apply as non-degree seeking students. Non-degree status is usually used for applicants who are practicing professionals in the field and who wish to take one or more courses for professional development. Non-degree students may be permitted upon receipt of the following application information:

  • An application for admission 
  • Written permission from the coordinator/director of the program offering the course.

All other courses will be blocked to non-degree-seeking applicants except for the course(s) that have been approved.

Non-degree seeking students who later apply for and are accepted into a degree program may apply a maximum of twelve hours taken as non-degree students toward their degree upon full acceptance to UT Southern. (Please see steps to admission.)

Dual Enrollment

Dual enrollment students may begin college work during the summer after their sophomore year of high school under the following conditions:

  • Submission of unofficial high school transcript;
  • Overall GPA of 3.00 (B) or above;
  • Submission of ACT/SAT (English [19] and Math [21] Required);
  • A letter from a high school counselor addressing the student’s ability to do college work.

Courses are available for the fall, spring, and summer session in consultation with the high school counselor, principal, and the Provost of the University.

Students should understand that dual enrolled classes supplement rather than duplicate their total high school program.

Students are eligible to take 6 hours per semester as a standard; a cumulative 2.0 college GPA is required to maintain dual enrollment eligibility.

Please refer to the Dual Enrollment Handbook for further details.

Early Honors Admission

Highly qualified, mature high school students who have earned at least 12 units of high school credit (college preparatory work is strongly recommended) with a 3.5 grade point average on a 4.00 grading system may apply for early honors admission. Applicants must have taken the ACT or SAT and have unqualified recommendations from their high school officials. Applicants for the early honors admission program must schedule a conference with the Provost and the Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management and Student Life before any final disposition can be made concerning acceptance as a first-year or special early honor student.

Students in this program should begin their studies during the summer session, so that both they and the University have an opportunity to evaluate their maturity and degree of preparedness before the beginning of the fall semester.

Veterans’ Affairs

G.I. Bill® is a registered trademark of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

The University of Tennessee Southern is approved by the Tennessee State Approving Agency for the training of veterans and their eligible dependents. The veteran seeking admission to the University should notify the Director of Financial Aid concerning eligibility under the various chapters of the GI Bill®. All applicants for benefits are subject to Veterans’ Administration approval. Veterans’ Benefits are also available to all qualifying students at the University of Tennessee Southern.

Please request a Certificate of Eligibility from www.benefits.va.gov and submit to the Financial Aid office. Veteran benefit recipients will not be penalized for any delayed disbursement from the VA. There will be no late fee applied or access denied to any classes or facilities on campus due to delayed VA benefit payments.

A VA benefit recipient, whether a veteran or a dependent of a veteran, must complete a Request to Certify VA Benefits form at the beginning of each semester in order for the benefits to be requested.

Veteran/military students must have military transcripts submitted (www.jst.doded.mil/smart/signin.do, www.au.af.mil/au/barnes/ccaf/transcript.asp).

Any covered individual will be able to attend or participate in the course of education during the period beginning on the date on which the individual provides to the educational institution a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance under chapter 31 or 33 (a “certificate of eligibility” can also include a “Statement of Benefits” obtained from the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) website – eBenefits, or a VAF 28-1905 form for chapter 31 authorization purposes) and ending on the earlier of the following dates:
1. The date on which payment from VA is made to the institution.
2. 90 days after the date the institution certified tuition and fees following the receipt of the certificate of eligibility.

The University of Tennessee Southern will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a covered individual borrow additional funds, on any covered individual because of the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement funding from VA under chapter 31 or 33.

Records and Documents Submitted for Admission Processing

All documents submitted to the University in support of an application for admission become the permanent possession of the University and cannot be returned to the applicant under any circumstances. Students are, therefore, urged to make copies of important documentation and maintain their own files. All documents for full acceptance to the University must be official.


Required of all students and should be submitted via MedProctor. (More information available online). MedProctor requires the student's UT Southern email address.

Immunization Requirements

Under Tennessee law, all newly admitted students must meet and submit proof of certain immunizations, with the exception of students who are enrolled in a course of study that is exclusively online. Students must submit full immunization proof before registering for classes. Students must submit immunizations via MedProctor. The following immunizations are required at the University:
  1. Varicella (Chickenpox) Requirement: Documentation of two doses of varicella vaccine given at least 28 days apart, a (+) antibody titer, or credible history of the disease documented by a healthcare provider. Students born before January 1, 1980 are exempt. Proof must be submitted within seven (7) business days before the first day of classes.
  2. Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) Requirement: Documentation of two doses of vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella given at least 28 days apart or a (+) antibody titer. Students born before January 1, 1957 are exempt. Proof must be submitted within seven (7) business days before the first day of classes.
  3. In addition, Hepatitis B immunizations are not required but are strongly recommended. All students must complete the Hepatitis B form.
  4. Meningitis (Required ONLY for students living on-campus) Requirement: Documentation of one dose of meningococcal vaccine given on or after the sixteenth birthday. All students under age 22 who are enrolling for the first time regardless of the level at which the student is matriculating AND who will be living in on-campus housing, must show proof of adequate immunization within seven (7) business days before the date on which the student moves into University housing. “Adequate Immunization” means students must have been vaccinated on or after their 16th birthday.

Proof of immunization may include: a completed Certificate of Immunization form signed by a health care provider; an official health department or medical provider immunization card or shot record; a titer laboratory report proof of immunity; a military form DD 214; active military service - ID must be provided; or a form immunization certificate provided by the University.

A student may be exempted from an immunization requirement in the following circumstances: (a) Where a physician determines that a particular vaccine is contraindicated and the student provides a written certification from the physician; or (b) Where a parent or guardian, or in the case of an adult student, the student, provides to the University a written statement, affirmed under penalties of perjury, that vaccination conflicts with the religious tenets and practices of the parent or guardian, or in the case of an adult student, the student. An individual who has been exempted from a particular vaccination must comply with immunization requirements for any vaccines from which the individual has not been exempted.