2023-24 Undergraduate Catalog

BUS 370 Introduction to Entrepreneurship

This course will introduce the student to the fundamental concepts and practices of entrepreneurship, including business opportunities, development of a business plan, small business finance, and ethics. Students will learn frameworks and tools that are relevant to entrepreneurship, such as principle, business model design, and hypothesis testing. Through lectures, guest speakers, and individual assignments, students will see the different decision makers in any given entrepreneurial ecosystem, such as seasoned and young entrepreneurs, regulators and investors, to achieve a better understanding of what it is like to start and run a new endeavor. Overall, this class aims to teach an entrepreneurial mindset: when others see insurmountable problems, entrepreneurs look for opportunities. 




class='sc-courselink' href='/en/2022-2023/undergraduate-catalog/course-descriptions/acct-accounting/200/acct-221'>ACCT 221, class='sc-courselink' href='/en/2022-2023/undergraduate-catalog/course-descriptions/acct-accounting/200/acct-222'>ACCT 222, class='sc-courselink' href='/en/2022-2023/undergraduate-catalog/course-descriptions/bus-business/200/bus-201'>BUS 201 or BUS 202




Spring, odd-numbered years