2023-24 Undergraduate Catalog

Course Placement

ACT scores and/or placement scores for first-year students will be evaluated to determine placement in writing, mathematics, or science classes. Placement in writing classes is also based on a diagnostic essay administered and evaluated by members of the English faculty. Should a student dispute his/her placement in one of these classes, the objection must be submitted in writing to the program coordinator for English within one week of the placement, upon which time a second diagnostic essay will be scheduled. This essay will be evaluated by three independent members of the English faculty. Students who are placed into a developmental course must make a C- or better in order to continue on to the next course in the sequence or to use the course as a prerequisite for another course. Final placement is mandatory.

ACT scores in English for placement in writing classes are as follows:

18 and below Placement in ENG 101E and ENG 101L
19-24 Placement in ENG 101
25 and above Placement in ENG 103

ACCUPLACER Next-Generation Score Ranges for UT Southern Writing Placement are as follows:

Sentence Skills 200-260/WritePlacer 0-4 Placement in ENG 101E and ENG 101L
Sentence Skills 261+/WritePlacer 5+ Placement in ENG 101

ACT scores for Mathematics placement are as follows:

16 or below Placement in MAT 100
17-18 Placement in MAT 112
19-24 MAT 131, MAT 171, MAT 211, or MAT231
25 or above Recommended placement in MAT 142

ACCUPLACER Next-Generation Score Ranges for UT Southern Mathematics Placement are as follows:

200-225 Placement in MAT 100
226-260 Placement in MAT 112
261+ Placement in MAT 131, MAT 171, MAT 211, or MAT 231
279+ Placement in MAT 141

Students who enter the University with basic deficiencies in reading, writing, mathematical or study skills may be required to take classes designed to help them overcome these deficiencies and to prepare them to succeed in college-level composition or mathematics courses (MAT 100, FYE 100, and ESL courses). These courses do not count toward graduation requirements, and the grades earned are not included in the grade point average (GPA).