2024-25 Graduate Catalog

Room and Board Refund

A. Cancellation by the University: Any student’s Room and Board Agreement shall terminate at the discretion of the University in the event of any of the following:
1) the premises or the unit are destroyed or, in the opinion of the University, unsuitable or unavailable for occupancy for any reason;
2) the student ceases to remain a student in good standing with the University during any regular academic term within the period of the Agreement;
3) the student violates any covenant, term or condition of the Agreement and any other rule or regulation incorporated into this Agreement by reference, including but not limited to the Student Code of Conduct, the Student Handbook, and the Housing Handbook; or
4) the institution gives the student written notice of termination at least thirty (30) days prior to the date when such termination will be effective.
B. Upon reasonable notice, the University reserves the right to terminate Room and Board Agreements due to public health events and emergency needs. In the event the University terminates Room and Board Agreements due to public health concerns, the University will offer fair and reasonable reimbursements for impacted students as appropriate and based on information available at that time.
C. Cancellation by the Student:
1) A student may be released from this Room and Board Agreement before the first date of the Room and Board Agreement by submitting submit a written request to the Office of Residential Life to terminate the Agreement. The determination of whether to grant the request for termination of the Agreement is within the sole discretion of the Housing Appeals Committee, and such a request will be approved only in exceptional cases. The student agrees to accept the decision of the Housing Appeals Committee. If the University approves the written request for termination of the Agreement, the student may receive a refund of housing fees as set forth in this Agreement.
2) A student may be released from this Room and Board Agreement after the first date of the Agreement by:
a) withdrawal or graduation from the University at the end of a semester;
b) dropping below full-time student status at the end of a semester, as defined by the current University catalog;
c) leaving the University at the end of a semester to participate in one of the University’s academic internship programs;
d) an emergency release granted by the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs or the Office of Residential Life.
D. Refunds:
1) Refund of the full advance payment will be made when one of the following conditions is met before the date of Check In:
a) University approves the written request for termination of the Agreement before the first date of the Room and Board Agreement;
b) the student is prevented from entering the University because of medical reasons confirmed in writing by a licensed physician;
c) residence hall space is not available.
2) Refunds of payment will be prorated on a weekly calendar basis when the student requests to be released from the Agreement, and the Office of Residential Life grants the student’s request, with the determination to grant a request being within the sole discretion of the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, based on medical reason, with supporting documentation by a licensed healthcare provider.
3) Refunds of residence hall rent will follow the refund rates and schedule defined in the current University catalog when the student withdraws from the University after Check In. Students withdrawing from the University have three (3) days after the date of withdrawal to vacate the premises and follow Check Out procedures. After this period, the University may enter and take possession of the premises.