2021-22 Undergraduate Catalog

ENG 103 Honors Composition

An introduction to writing about literature, this course focuses on the conventions of standard written English and analysis of prose fiction, poetry, and drama. Students will produce multiple drafts of analytical and research-based essays, resulting in approximately 5,000 words. Course content will include discussion of research, analytical skills, and the appropriate use of MLA documentation. Additionally, students will participate in a major research or service project, employing critical thinking and analysis in regard to an issue relative to the past or present. This project will culminate in a public presentation and/or a written response. Project topics will vary each time the course is taught. Enrollment is limited to students who have been admitted to the W. Garie Taylor Honors Program. Students who complete this course with a grade of C or better will receive three credit hours for ENG 103 and an additional three credit hours in ENG 101 for prior learning in composition, and they will have satisfied the General Education Core Writing requirement. Students who complete this course with a grade of "C-", "D+", or "D" will receive three credit hours for ENG 103 and will need to successfully complete ENG 101 Composition I in order to satisfy the General Education Core Writing requirement.




Honors standing



