2021-22 Undergraduate Catalog

ENG 101E English Comp I Enhanced

An introduction to college-level writing, this course focuses on the conventions of standard written English and writing with a thesis. Students will produce multiple drafts of expository and argument essays, resulting in approximately 3750 words. Course content will emphasize research, analytical skills, and appropriate use of MLA. To enroll in this course, students must have been placed into this course by test scores. This course includes 3 classroom hours of lecture and 1 classroom hour of skills lab per week. Course work in the skills lab--ENG 101L English Composition I Lab--will comprise 20 percent of the grade for the course. Students must successfully pass ENG 101E with a grade of “C-” or better in order to advance to ENG 102. All full-time students must have completed or be currently enrolled in English Composition.




ENG 101L




Fall, Spring