2021-22 Undergraduate Catalog

First Year Experience

First-time entering freshmen are required to participate in a year-long First Year Experience Program, which begins just prior to the start of the Fall semester and continues through the end of the Spring semester. During FYE, students are introduced to the campus community, the academic program, and student life. Placement testing, if needed, occurs during this time to help identify strengths and weaknesses in prior academic training. Based upon these results, students may be advised or required to take one or more courses designed to help them overcome prior academic deficiencies or accelerated to reflect academic strengths. First Year Experience (FYE) covers a variety of topics designed to promote a successful transition to college as well as using the YouScience evaluation to explore aptitude and interests and how that translates to major and career choice. First year students are advised by their FYE instructors in coordination with faculty in the student’s chosen major. The typical first year student will enroll in 13-16 hours per semester.