Undergraduate Catalog

Spiritual Life

Spiritual Life at Martin Methodist College welcomes all people by offering the hospitality of Christ. Students, faculty, and staff are invited to engage in meaningful dialogue, life-giving worship, and an enriching community.

MEANINGFUL DIALOGUE: All are invited to participate in Spiritual Life organizations and small groups to grow in one’s religious practices and respect for other faith traditions. Some of these regular opportunities include Student Christian Association (SCA), Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), La Conexion, Sisterhood, Brotherhood, and Called to Lead.

LIFE-GIVING WORSHIP: Worship opportunities are available through the 24-hour prayer room, weekly Chapel services, and local houses of worship. During the academic year, Chapel is held each Wednesday at 11:00 a.m., unless there is a campus-wide Convocation. On the 2nd Wednesday of the month, Chapel takes place at the Church of the Messiah as we celebrate a traditional Service of Holy Communion. Additional services are held for special occasions, such as Christmas, Baccalaureate, and Memorial services.

ENRICHING COMMUNITY: The Spiritual Life community provides a safe space for students as each wrestles the questions of “Who am I?”, “Who is God?”, and “Who is God calling me to be?”. These questions are directly and indirectly addressed through vocational discernment events, serving our neighbors, conferences, church leadership development (The Call), summer ministry opportunities, one-on-one conversations with Spiritual Life staff, and an abundance of prayer.

LEADERSHIP: The ministries of Spiritual Life are led by the College Chaplain, Coordinator of Vocational Discernment, and the Spiritual Life Council (student leaders).