Undergraduate Catalog

Cultural Life

CONVOCATIONS: Convocation programs are held throughout the academic year.

THE MARTIN METHODIST COLLEGE CHOIR: The College Choir makes a significant contribution to the College community and the entire Middle Tennessee area, appearing in programs presented in cities throughout the area as well as in concert on campus several times each year.

CHAMBER CHOIR: The Chamber Choir is a 12-voice auditioned vocal ensemble open to students, faculty, and staff. The Chamber Choir performs acappella and accompanied anthems, and sings for campus, church, and community events. Students enrolled in Chamber Choir must also be active members of the Concert Choir.

THE DELLA CLAYTON LEE CONCERT SERIES: Martin Methodist College and the Pulaski community join together in a concert series honoring the memory and the many contributions of a long-time member of the Board of Trustees. The yearly series includes theater, instrumental music, and vocal music.

W. GARIE TAYLOR HONORS PROGRAM BIG PICTURE and MARTIN LECTURE SERIES: As part of its mission to bring academic rigor to the College beyond the classroom, the W. Garie Taylor Honors Program sponsors two programs to bring speakers to campus and to provide forums for the presentation of academic research and other interests of the campus community. The first, the Martin Lecture Series, brings speakers from various disciplines, usually leaders in the fields they represent. These have included scholars from the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C., businessmen and women pursuing development in green energy, prominent authors, and leaders in the legal professions. The second, the Big Picture Series, is a forum for the presentation of research or strong interests pursued by faculty and students. Past winners of the W. Garie Taylor Honors Program Research Scholarships have presented their findings in this forum, as have professors. Seven to ten programs are typically presented during an academic year.

DRAMA PROGRAM: Each fall, the College sponsors Shakespeare on the Green, an outdoor Shakespeare festival. In the fall and spring, students have the opportunity to participate in or to attend additional theatrical events on campus, including productions offered by guest directors and student directors.

MOVIE THEATER: The College operates a first-run movie theater and full concession stand in Martin Hall on Friday and Saturday evenings, with a matinée on Saturday and Sunday.