Undergraduate Catalog

Bachelor’s Degree in Behavioral Sciences Emphasis in General Psychology Requirements

In all programs in the Behavioral Sciences, following the American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines for ethical behavior is an essential part of psychological training and education. Students are expected to follow the APA guidelines in all fieldwork, class work, and research. If a student’s performance places the welfare of a client or research participant in jeopardy and is determined inappropriate or irresponsible, the student will be removed from the course and additional disciplinary action may be taken. Psychology is the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes. An undergraduate degree in Behavioral Sciences with a General Psychology area emphasis will prepare students to work in the social service field after graduation and will provide a solid foundation for graduate study in the field as either a clinical/counseling practitioner or as a researcher. The program will also prepare students to pursue further studies in related areas such as neuroscience, law, human resources, or ministry

Expected Outcomes:

  • Students will demonstrate fundamental knowledge and comprehension of the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, historical trends, and empirical findings in behavioral sciences.
  • Students will engage in scientific reasoning and critical thinking. This includes the use of effective research methodology when they are solving problems related to behavior and mental processes and the ability to interpret basic social science research.
  • Students will understand and engage in ethically and socially responsible behaviors that can be used in professional and personal settings and in a landscape that involves increasing diversity.
  • Students will demonstrate competence in written, oral, and interpersonal communication skills.
  • Students will be able to apply behavioral science-specific content and skills, including effective self-reflection, project- management skills, and teamwork skills to develop career and graduate school readiness.
  • Students will gain a thorough understanding of the biological bases of behavior and factors that contribute to positive and negative outcomes of such behavior.

Degree Requirements (Semester Hours)

General Education Core

The Core should include

PSY 113General Psychology


PSY 211Developmental Psychology-Lifespan


MAT 131: or higher:- MAT 231 recommended

Behavioral Sciences Requirements (24)

PSY 321Theory & Practice of Counseling


PSY 331Psychological Statistics & Testing


PSY 351Abnormal Psychology


PSY 353Psychopharmacology



SOW 353Psychopharmacology


PSY 400Research Methods & Advanced Statistics



SOW 400Research Methods & Advanced Statistics


PSY 411History & Systems of Psychology


PSY 424Neuropsychology


PSY 430Senior Seminar (Social Sciences)



SOW 430Senior Seminar (Social Science)


Required Upper-level Psychology Courses (9)

PSY 308Psychology of Learning & Cognition


PSY 320Theories of Personality


PSY 365Social Psychology


Electives (33-36)*

Only six elective hours may be practicums. Practicum hours are pass/fail.

*At least 12 hours of electives must be upper level.

Total Credit Hours: 121

Students may declare a minor with 18 hours in another discipline. Advanced Counseling is recommended.

No grade below a “C-” in Behavioral Science courses can count toward the degree.