Undergraduate Catalog

ESL 094 English as a Second Language Special Topics

This course will be taught as interest among the students and availability of faculty allow. Possible topics include English for Academic Purposes (EAP), including English that will support college coursework, and English for Specific Purposes (ESP) such as English that will assist educators, businesspeople, medical professionals, lawyers, engineers, scientists, artists, and other learners with focused language needs. In general, this course will focus on listening comprehension; authentic listening situations; presentations; discussion; vocabulary acquisition; fluency; accuracy in pronunciation; morphosyntactical, semantic, and pragmatic competence with grammatical structures; the application of reading strategies to a variety of academic and/or professional texts; reading comprehension; vocabulary acquisition; phonemic awareness (with phonics); writing as a rhetorical process; and mechanics. This course does not count toward graduation requirements, and the grades earned are not included in the grade point average. Offered on demand.



