The Grading System
Students at Martin are graded in their academic achievements according to a system of letter grades. To facilitate computation of averages of students’ grades, the College assigns numerical values called quality points to all letter grades of passing quality. Below are various letters used in grading, their meaning, and quality point value:
A+ — denotes work of superior quality and is assigned four (4.0) quality points for each semester hour.
A — denotes work of superior quality and is assigned four (4.0) quality points for each semester hour.
A- — denotes work of superior quality and is assigned 3.7 quality points for each semester hour.
B+ — denotes work of above-average quality and is assigned 3.3 quality points for each semester hour.
B— denotes work of above-average quality and is assigned three (3.0) quality points for each semester hour.
B- — denotes work of above-average quality and is assigned 2.7 quality points for each semester hour.
C+ — denotes work of average quality and is assigned 2.3 quality points for each semester hour.
C— denotes work of average quality and is assigned two (2.0) quality points for each semester hour.
C- — denotes work of average quality and is assigned 1.7 quality points for each semester hour.
D+ — denotes work of below-average quality and is assigned 1.3 quality point for each semester hour.
D— denotes work of below-average quality and is assigned one (1.0) quality point for each semester hour.
F— denotes failure and zero (0.0) quality points are assigned for this grade.
P— denotes pass. Hours count towards graduation requirements, but no quality points are awarded (used only in special circumstances such as labs, credits earned through by-pass tests, and some practica).
I — denotes incompleteness. This temporary grade must be replaced by a permanent one within the first four weeks of the following semester of enrollment. Failure to complete the course work within this period of time will mean that the “incomplete” becomes a permanent grade of “F.” When computing quality points for an average, the “I” is counted as an “F” until a permanent grade has been earned. Most of the work in a class should be finished before a grade of I will be given.
W — indicates that the student was permitted to withdraw from the course within the first four weeks of a semester or within the first two weeks of an evening or summer session. For purposes of computing grade point averages, the “W” is treated as though the student had never enrolled in the course; however, it does count toward attempted hours.
WP — indicates that the student was permitted to withdraw from the course after the deadline for awarding the “W” and that course work was of passing quality at the time of withdrawal. For purposes of computing grade point averages, the “WP” is treated as though the student had never enrolled in the course; however, it does count toward attempted hours.
WF — indicates that the student was permitted to withdraw from the course after the deadline for awarding the “W” and that course work was not of passing quality at the time of withdrawal. Zero quality points are assigned, the grade is included in determining the student’s grade point average (counts as an “F”), and it counts toward attempted hours.
In all instances except administrative failures (i.e., a failure assigned by the Provost for excessive absences or for violations of the Honor Code), all grades are assigned by the instructors.