Directed Study
All efforts should be made to take classes in the regular schedule. Students should check the listing of classes in the Catalog to see which courses will be offered each semester. A directed study may be taken by students who have extreme and/or mitigating circumstances that prevent their taking regularly-scheduled classes. Students must complete a Directed Study Form with appropriate signatures and final approval granted by the Provost. There is a limit of nine (9) semester hours that any student may take by directed study during their academic career at Martin Methodist College. This total limit may not include more than three (3) hours of lower-level courses nor more than nine (9) hours of upper-level courses. Registration for directed study courses must be during a scheduled registration period. Permission to take a class by directed study is contingent upon the student having a 3.0 GPA or above, along with approval of the faculty member involved and the Provost. A Directed Study fee of $200 is charged for each hour of credit, along with regular tuition charges for the class. A student may not take a course by directed study if he/she has previously taken and failed the course. Change of major, a desire for early graduation, and/or an addition of a minor or second major are not considered sufficient reasons for a directed study.