Room and Board Refund
Refund of the full advance payment will be made when one of the following conditions is met: (a) written cancellation is received by the Office of Residential Life before checking into the Residential facility; (b) the student is prevented from entering the University because of medical reasons confirmed in writing by a licensed physician; or a residence hall space is not available.
Refunds of payment rent will be prorated on a weekly calendar basis when the student is forced to withdraw from the residence hall after check in under one of the following conditions:(a) medical reasons confirmed in writing by a licensed physician; (b) at the request of the University for other than disciplinary reasons; or (c) in case of death. Refunds of residence hall rent will follow the refund rates and schedule defined in the current University catalog when the student withdraws from the University after check in. Students withdrawing from the University have three (3) days after the date of withdrawal to vacate the premises and follow Check Out procedures. After this period, the University may enter and take possession of the premises and fine the student for Improper Check Out.
Cancellation of this agreement for any reason not addressed above or approved by the Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs from the start of the contract, AUGUST 21, 2021, through the end of the contract, MAY 5, 2022, will result in the student’s responsibility for paying 50% percent of the remaining balance of the yearly residential life charges.
Upon reasonable notice, the University reserves the right to terminate housing contracts due to public health emergency needs, including COVID. In the event the University terminates housing contracts due to public health concerns, the University will offer fair and reasonable reimbursements for impacted students as appropriate and based on information available at that time.