2021-22 Undergraduate Catalog

Program Costs

In addition to the usual costs for tuition and books, nursing students will be responsible for the cost associated with:

  • Student nurse uniforms;
  • Equipment, including a watch with a sweep second hand, stethoscope, and clinical/lab kit;
  • Personal transportation to and from clinical experiences;
  • Health insurance, criminal background checks, and drug screens, as well as communicable disease titers and immunizations;
  • Fees associated with nursing courses and simulation lab products;
  • Fees associated with optional Student Nurses Association (SNA) membership;
  • Nursing pin and lamp purchased at graduation; and
  • Fees associated with application for the NCLEX-RN.

Students should consult the Financial Aid Office for summer financial aid options. Any costs not covered by financial aid become the responsibility of the nursing student. Nursing students should have funds available to pay for summer course work in addition to fees associated with the nursing program during the required summer session.