2021-22 Undergraduate Catalog

Student Loans

Federal Direct Loan

This federal loan program allows a student to borrow a maximum of $3,500 per year for the first year (0-24 hours), $4,500 for the second year (25-59 hours), and up to $5,500 for the third and fourth (60-89 Junior/90 + Senior) years of college. To apply for this loan, one must be admitted and enrolled in at least half-time, and in good standing at an eligible institution. A FAFSA is required to be eligible for this loan. An applicant can complete the go to www.studentaid.gov and complete the Master Promissory Note (MPN), Entrance Counseling and the Annual Loan Acknowledgment (required every year in order to receive a federal student loan.)

Failure to complete the federal requirements to receive a student loan will result in a balance owed due to not being able to result the loan.