2021-22 Undergraduate Catalog

By-Pass or Challenge Examinations

Departmental examinations are available to students who qualify to attempt to by-pass courses. Requests to by- pass a course will be considered for students who document prior experiences that would justify a by-pass attempt. Up to six hours may be earned in this manner. A grade of “P” is entered on the transcript when credit is earned. Interested students must petition the appropriate faculty member to request the examination(s). The student also must have approval of the School Chair and the Provost before such a test may be given. The student must earn a grade designated by the program area or better on the examination(s) to receive credit. Students may not take a by-pass examination for a course which they are currently enrolled or for a course which they have failed. Students must furnish evidence of laboratory or field experiences if required. A fee of $100 per credit hour applies if a challenge exam is successful (see Credit for Prior Learning).