Undergraduate Catalog

Tuition Refund

Students who drop a class or withdraw from all classes during an enrollment period may receive a tuition refund credit based on the following schedule. For students who receive federal financial aid and withdraw, drop out, or are dismissed from school, a refund will be calculated based on federal guidelines for returning Title IV funds and the following schedule, a basic outline. Full regulations are on file in the Business Office. Refund examples are also available in the Business Office and will be provided upon request. Credit for institutional charges for fall and spring semesters, as well as for each session of Evening College and Summer School, will be made according to the following schedule (See Academic Calendar for specific dates):

From the first day of class through the last day to add a class for credit — 100% credit

Through the end of the first 15% period of enrollment — 90% credit

Through the end of the first 30% period of enrollment — 50% credit

Through the end of the first 60% period of enrollment — 25% credit

AFTER the 60% period of enrollment—NO CREDIT

Charges are prorated from the first scheduled class period until actual withdrawal. There is no credit for temporary absences. Dropped labs or special fees, unless non-refundable, will be prorated based on the above schedule.

Institutional aid refunds will be calculated on the same basis as tuition (stated above). In no case will institutional funds generate a refund greater than the amount of personal funds received. In some cases, a withdrawal or a dropped class may result in a balance owed to the College.

Check with the Registrar’s Office, Financial Aid, and the Business Office before dropping a class(es) or withdrawing from the College completely to discuss academic and financial ramifications.