Preparing for a Career in the Health Sciences (Pre-Med, etc.)
Students interested in careers in the health professions (dentistry, medicine, pharmacy, veterinary science, physical therapy, etc.) should select a major as early as possible and work towards the bachelor’s degree. Some professional schools accept students with fewer than four years of college work, but most prefer students who possess the bachelor’s degree. A student should be familiar with the specific requirements of the professional school to which he/she plans to apply. Completion of these programs at MMC, however, does not assure admission to a particular professional program. Admission to these programs is competitive and is determined by the respective institution’s and program’s own criteria.
Requirements vary with the school and program, but the general requirements of most professional schools include the following courses in addition to a strong liberal arts and sciences core: General Chemistry with laboratory (8 hours), Biology with laboratory (8 hours), Organic Chemistry with laboratory (8 hours), and Physics with laboratory (8 hours). Other suggested courses include: Human Anatomy and Physiology (8 hours), Biochemistry (3 hours), Algebra/Trig or Calculus (3-6 hours), Microbiology (4 hours), Statistics (3 hours), Cell Biology (4 hours), and Immunology (3 hours).
Students interested in a major within the Division of Mathematics and Sciences should consult the appropriate program coordinator as listed below:
Biology and Pre-Health Professions – Stanton Belford
Chemistry – Derrick Watkins
Cybersecurity- Nan Wakefield
Mathematics – Jac Cole