Formal Process
A student who has completed the informal process within the specified times and is not satisfied with the results may then appeal in writing to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs within seven calendar days after the conference with the appropriate division chairperson and/or Provost. The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs will meet with the division chairperson to review and reach a decision regarding the grievance. This decision will be final and the student will be notified in writing within five working days.
Accurate records of all written student grievances will be confidential and will be maintained by the Office of the Dean of Campus Life or Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, depending on the nature of the grievance.
The procedure for student grievances will be consistent for all students. Students should be aware that should they have concerns or complaints about their program or their financial aid, this institution has a complaint procedure. To the extent possible, students should seek a resolution of such matters through the institution’s complaint procedure (see Student Handbook, under “Grievance and Problem Resolutions”) before involving others. Should the institution not be able to resolve a financial aid problem, the student may contact either the State Postsecondary Review Program office at the Tennessee Higher Education Commission at (615) 532-8276 or the federal Office of the Ombudsman at 1-202-401-4498 or toll free 1-877-557-2575 in Washington, DC.